Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saying Goodbye to Iowa

Who would have thought that one of the hardest things about the prospect of moving would be school? Yesterday we drove past the new Heritage Christian School here in North Liberty(where Grace and Greta are set to attend in the fall), and Grace was so excited to see it. (We've been driving past it at her request periodically all throughout the building process.) I had to remind her that if we move, we'll have to find another school. Tonight at bedtime Greta prayed that we wouldn't have to move so that she and Grace could go to the same school. Personally, I cannot bear the thought of sending either of them off every day to be taught/cared for by a complete stranger in a strange place. All of this has made for one heartsick mama. We've always been open to the idea of homeschooling, but I never thought this would be the year to start with the boys still both so young -- when will we ever get any schoolwork done? But our God is so good. If he does, indeed, send us to Richland, he's provided what seems to be an awesome homeschool assistance program for us there. It might seem like a really small thing, but it makes me sing "How great is our God!"

1 comment:

  1. I guess I haven't been paying attention. I fell asleep at the switch again!!!
    We didn't realize you were planning another move. I hope you will be moving closer to OH.
    Best of luck to you in your new endeavor.
