Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ain't Life Grand? Day 1

Last month we were blessed with the opportunity to meet our parents, our sisters, and their families in Grand Lake, Colorado for a weeklong vacation.  It's been my dream for years that Steve and I, our siblings, and all of our kiddos would be able to have an annual beach house vacation together and having moved out to WA this past winter we're always looking for opportunities to spend time with our families.  It worked out last month that everyone except my brother was able to make it.  One house, 4 bedrooms, 17 people, 8 days. Sounds kinda crazy when you put it that way, huh?

Our first full day there we hung around town and explored the beach and shops in Grand Lake.  First thing in the morning, as we made the brief walk from our house to the beach, we came across this guy.

kiddos playing in the COLD water at the beach

the view from the beach

The girls had a great time in the gift shops.

Even though we intended for it to be a low-key day to give everyone a chance to acclimate to the altitude, apparently it was too much for these two boys.  Also note the snack stash on the table behind them. What you see there is probably only about 1/3 of the total.  Some of us went a little overboard :)
the deer that spent a good deal of time hanging around the house -
 this was taken from our kitchen window
Greta taking care of her cousin Lincoln